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Dear Families,

Yes! It is Yy week

This week Kindergarten will focus on creating their own sentences for handwriting and not just copying from the smart board. Pre K is working on recognizing color words as we color by number and play the popsicle game. Both of these are true end of the year lessons as we see the rewards of our time together.

During group time, both classes will start making a list of words that begin with Yy, and we will also have a list of words that end in Yy. We will list the days of the week, the student's names that end in y, and the Superkids' names that end in y. 

Yarn crafts and yellow exploration are in the plans as well. Including my idea for Show and Tell this week. Let's all wear a YELLOW shirt for Show and Tell on Friday! It will be a YELLOW, sun shining day! If they do not want to wear something yellow, they can bring something yellow for show and tell.

We will use a “yard” long piece of yellow yarn to measure items around school after reading How Long Is a Foot? a book that helps to understand length and height. Another cross curricular lesson! 

More graphing fun ahead with "yucky" and "yummy" foods this week as well! A great lesson in opinion.

Wednesday, May 1, we will have our annual May Crowning of Mary. Please see fast facts/family folders about this tradition and sending a flower to school. We will make rosary bracelets to use during the crowning. 

Thanks to all who donated to the bake sale! It was wet, but that didn't stop the sales!

Looking forward to a good week!


Mrs. Barreca

PS I almost forgot about our butterflies! I checked them today, and all are still in their chrysalis form. We will anxiously await their change to butterflies early to mid this week! 🐛🦋